Please see the index below for a list of all our articles on Diagnostic Tests.

If you are new to the subject, we recommend starting with: Introduction to Diagnostic Studies for Back and Neck Pain

Computed tomography scans include a series of x-rays that are rotated in different directions around a specific body part, producing a sequence of computer-generated images.

Electromyography measures the electrical activity produced in a muscle in response to stimulation by a nerve.

A lumbar discogram procedure is an injection technique used to evaluate patients with back pain who have not responded to extensive conservative care.

Also called a discogram, lumbar discography is an injection technique used to evaluate patients with back pain who have not responded to extensive conservative care regimens.

In the spine, an MRI scan can reveal thorough details of the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, spinal discs, spinal nerve roots, and the spinal cord.
